Plot factory

Supercharge your flow with ready made interactive plots.

PoniardPlotFactory is a series of plots meant to enhance the PoniardBaseEstimator.get_results experience. Like the rest of Poniard, wherever possible it will try to use cross validation (for example, PoniardPlotFactory.confusion_matrix uses predictions from scikit-learn’s cross_val_predict).



 PoniardPlotFactory (template:str='plotly_white',
                     discrete_colors:List[str]=['rgb(127, 60, 141)',
                     'rgb(17, 165, 121)', 'rgb(57, 105, 172)', 'rgb(242,
                     183, 1)', 'rgb(231, 63, 116)', 'rgb(128, 186, 90)',
                     'rgb(230, 131, 16)', 'rgb(0, 134, 149)', 'rgb(207,
                     28, 144)', 'rgb(249, 123, 114)', 'rgb(165, 170,
                     153)'], font_family:str='Helvetica',

Helper class that handles plotting for Poniard Estimators.

It has access to the Poniard estimator instance through the _poniard attribute.

Type Default Details
template str plotly_white Plotly template. Default “plotly_white”.
discrete_colors typing.List[str] [‘rgb(127, 60, 141)’, ‘rgb(17, 165, 121)’, ‘rgb(57, 105, 172)’, ‘rgb(242, 183, 1)’, ‘rgb(231, 63, 116)’, ‘rgb(128, 186, 90)’, ‘rgb(230, 131, 16)’, ‘rgb(0, 134, 149)’, ‘rgb(207, 28, 144)’, ‘rgb(249, 123, 114)’, ‘rgb(165, 170, 153)’] A list of colors, default Bold. See the Plotly reference.
font_family str Helvetica See the Plotly reference
font_color str #8C8C8C See the Plotly reference

General plots



 PoniardPlotFactory.metrics (kind:str='strip', facet:str='col',
                             only_test:bool=True, exclude_dummy:bool=True,
                             show_means:bool=True, **kwargs)

Plot metrics obtained by running

Type Default Details
kind str strip Either “strip” or “bar”. Default “strip”.
facet str col Either “col” or “row”. Default “col”.
metrics typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[str]] None String or list of strings. This must follow the names passed to the
Poniard constructor. For example, if during init a dict of metrics was passed, its
keys can be passed here. Default None, which plots every estimator metric available.
only_test bool True Whether to plot only test scores. Default True.
exclude_dummy bool True Whether to exclude dummy estimators. Default True.
show_means bool True Whether to plot means along with fold scores. Default True.
Returns Figure Plotly strip or bar plot.
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from poniard import PoniardClassifier
X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
pnd = PoniardClassifier().setup(X, y, show_info=False).fit()
pnd.plot.metrics(metrics=["roc_auc", "accuracy"], facet="col", kind="bar")



 PoniardPlotFactory.overfitness (metric:Optional[str]=None,

Plot the ratio of test scores to train scores for every estimator.

Type Default Details
metric typing.Optional[str] None String representing a metric. This must follow the names passed to the
Poniard constructor. For example, if during init a dict of metrics was passed, one of
its keys can be passed here. Default None, which plots the first metric.
exclude_dummy bool True Whether to exclude dummy estimators. Default True.
Returns Figure Plotly strip plot.

Classification plots

Poniard offers additional plots based on cross validated predictions:



                               ne, response_method:str='auto', **kwargs)

Plot ROC curve with cross validated predictions for multiple estimators.

Type Default Details
estimator_names typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]] None Estimators to include. If None, all estimators are used.
response_method str auto Either “auto”, “predict_proba” or “decision_function”. “auto” will try to use
predict_proba if all estimators have it, otherwise it will try decision_function
If there is no common response_method, it will raise an error.
kwargs Passed to sklearn.metrics.roc_curve().
Returns Figure Plotly line plot.

For now, PoniardPlotFactory.roc_curve only works with binary classification tasks (you can track this issue here, so we’ll need a different dataset, like the well known German credit dataset.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from poniard import PoniardClassifier
X, y = fetch_openml(data_id=31, return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
categorical_cols = X.select_dtypes(include="category").columns
X[categorical_cols] = X[categorical_cols].astype(str)
y = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y)
pnd = PoniardClassifier().setup(X, y, show_info=False).fit()

estimators = ["LogisticRegression", "XGBClassifier", "SVC"]



 PoniardPlotFactory.confusion_matrix (estimator_name:str, **kwargs)

Plot confusion matrix with cross validated predictions for a single estimator.

Type Details
estimator_name str Estimator to include.
kwargs Passed to sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix().
Returns Figure Plotly image plot.

Like roc_curve, confusion_matrix accepts kwargs that are passed on to the appropiate sklearn functions.

pnd.plot.confusion_matrix(estimator_name="LogisticRegression", normalize="all")

Regression plots



 PoniardPlotFactory.residuals (estimator_names:List[str])

Plot regression residuals vs predictions for a list of estimators.

Type Details
estimator_names typing.List[str] Estimators to include.
Returns Figure Residuals plot.



 PoniardPlotFactory.residuals_histogram (estimator_names:List[str])

Plot a histogram of regression residuals for a list of estimators.

Type Details
estimator_names typing.List[str] Estimators to include.
Returns Figure Residuals histogram plot.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from xgboost import XGBRegressor

from poniard import PoniardRegressor
X, y = fetch_california_housing(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
pnd = PoniardRegressor(estimators=[LinearRegression(), XGBRegressor()]).setup(
    X, y, show_info=False
PoniardRegressor(estimators=[LinearRegression(), XGBRegressor(base_score=None, booster=None, colsample_bylevel=None,
             colsample_bynode=None, colsample_bytree=None,
             enable_categorical=False, gamma=None, gpu_id=None,
             importance_type=None, interaction_constraints=None,
             learning_rate=None, max_delta_step=None, max_depth=None,
             min_child_weight=None, missing=nan, monotone_constraints=None,
             n_estimators=100, n_jobs=None, num_parallel_tree=None,
             predictor=None, random_state=0, reg_alpha=None, reg_lambda=None,
             scale_pos_weight=None, subsample=None, tree_method=None,
             validate_parameters=None, verbosity=0)])
pnd.plot.residuals(estimator_names=["LinearRegression", "XGBRegressor"])
pnd.plot.residuals_histogram(estimator_names=["LinearRegression", "XGBRegressor"])

Feature plots

These plots help in understanding how features interact with models.



 PoniardPlotFactory.permutation_importance (estimator_name:str,
                                            kind:str='bar', **kwargs)

Plot permutation importances for an estimator.

This shuffles features randomly one at a time and measures the change in the estimator’s performance. If the feature is important for the model, the estimator’s performance should decrease (represented by positive values in the plot). See the scikit-learn guide.

Type Default Details
estimator_name str Estimator to include.
n_repeats int 10 How many times to repeat random permutations of a single feature. Default 10.
kind str bar Either “bar” or “strip”. Default “bar”. “strip” plots each permutation repetition
as well as the mean. Bar plots only the mean.
kwargs Passed to sklearn.inspection.permutation_importance().
Returns Figure Plotly bar or strip plot.



 PoniardPlotFactory.partial_dependence (estimator_name:str,
                                        feature:Union[str,int], **kwargs)

Plot partial dependence for a single feature of a single estimator.

In essence, visualize how the target changes within the feature’s range.

Only plots average partial dependence for all samples and not individual samples (ICE).

Type Details
estimator_name str Estimator to include.
feature typing.Union[str, int] Feature for which to plot partial dependence. Can be a pandas column name or index.
kwargs Passed to sklearn.inspection.partial_dependence().
Returns Figure Plotly line plot.
pnd.plot.partial_dependence("XGBRegressor", "AveOccup")