Pandas Profiling

A Pandas Profiling plugin.

PandasProfilingPlugin concatenates features and target(s) and builds an EDA report. If WandBPlugin is included alongside this plugin, the report will also be logged to the Weights and Biases project.



 PandasProfilingPlugin (title:str='pandas_profiling_report',
                        explorative:bool=False, minimal:bool=True,
                        html_path:Union[str,pathlib.Path]=None, **kwargs)

Pandas Profiling plugin. Kwargs from the constructor are passed to ProfileReport().

Type Default Details
title str pandas_profiling_report Report title.
explorative bool False Enable explorative mode. Default False.
minimal bool True Enable minimal mode. Default True.
html_path typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path] None Path where the HTML report will be saved. Default is the title of the report.



 PandasProfilingPlugin.on_setup_data ()

Create Pandas Profiling HTML report.